Innovation in wireless systems is driven by the need for new wireless applications, such as 5G and beyond wireless networks, cognitive radio networks, Internet of Things (IoT), and wireless sensor networks. These applications require advanced wireless technologies to support high data rates, low latency, and high reliability. The development of new wireless technologies is also driven by the need for energy-efficient wireless systems that can reduce power consumption contributing to reduce the digital divide and extending the battery life of wireless devices.

Intelligent wireless systems rely on artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to optimize wireless communication. Machine learning algorithms dynamically learn from acquired data and automatically adjust the wireless parameters to improve the system’s performance.

Under the theme “Innovation and Intelligent Wireless Systems”, the 50th Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) will take place online on 10-11 January 2024. You are invited to be part of designing the wireless future by joining us for two days of insightful discussions, presentations and innovative brainstorming.

The topic of Innovation and Intelligent Wireless Systems focuses on the latest advances and trends in wireless communication technologies. With the growing demand for faster and more reliable wireless communication, researchers and practitioners are exploring new approaches to designing and optimizing wireless systems.


Nigel Jefferies


Mohamed-Slim Alouini

King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia

Hendrik Berndt

Vice-Chair EMEA WWRF

Bharat Bhatia

ITU-APT Foundation of India

Knud Erik Skouby

Aalborg University

Angeliki Alexiou

University of Piraeus

Sudhir Dixit

Basic Internet Foundation

Vinod Kumar

Former Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs

WWRF Sponsor

Supporting Organisation